Teacher Self-Efficacy and Preparedness for Integrating STEM Education Using a Project-Based Learning Approach
Journal of Research in Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, Volume 7, Issue SI, June 2024, pp. 43-59
OPEN ACCESS VIEWS: 703 DOWNLOADS: 700 Publication date: 15 Jun 2024
OPEN ACCESS VIEWS: 703 DOWNLOADS: 700 Publication date: 15 Jun 2024
The purpose of this mixed-methods, sequential, explanatory study was to investigate elementary mathematics and/or science teachers’ self-efficacy for implementing integrated science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) instruction through a project-based learning (PBL) approach to learning in the classroom. Further explored were elementary mathematics and/or science teachers’ perceived barriers and needed supports for effective implementation of integrated STEM education using a PBL approach. Participants (n = 43) included elementary mathematics and/or science teachers from seven local school districts in a single southeastern state in the U.S. Quantitative data were collected using the STEM Confidence Questionnaire, and qualitative data were collected from focus group interviews and responses to open-ended questions within the questionnaire. Item-level analysis showed that teacher self-efficacy was the lowest for developing both formative and summative assessments, while teacher confidence levels in gaining students’ interest and motivation in STEM and learning new and appropriate technologies were reported as the highest. Results indicated that while teachers reported confidence in implementing integrated STEM lessons, several barriers preventing them from doing so were identified. Various supports were also discussed including administrative support, additional resources, and adequate training to aid teachers in the successful implementation of integrated STEM education using a PBL approach.
STEM education, project-based learning, teacher self-efficacy, elementary teachers
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