Journal of Research in Science, Mathematics and Technology Education

Indonesia Vocational High School Science Teachers’ Priorities Regarding 21st Century Learning Skills in Their Science Classrooms

Journal of Research in Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, Volume 2, Issue 2, May 2019, pp. 105-133
OPEN ACCESS VIEWS: 831 DOWNLOADS: 413 Publication date: 15 May 2019
The purpose of this study was to examine vocational high school science teachers’ instructional  prioritizing the 21st Century Skills mandated in the Indonesian National Curriculum 2013 revision. The Indonesian  government implemented this curriculum in 2017 to support students’ career readiness, which was inadequately addressed in previous curriculum documents. Survey data was obtained from the population of vocational high  school science teachers in the city of Pontianak, West Kalimantan province, Indonesia. The study contrasted the  prioritizing of 21st Century Skills objectives with previous curriculum objectives, in order to determine if teachers give priority to current curriculum requirements or are still focusing on previous requirements. The study furthermore examined whether teacher st Century Learning Skills over previous curriculum objectives. Novice teachers demographic data are associated with their teaching priorities. Results  indicate teachers do prioritize the 21 report higher priority on communication skills and male teachers give higher priority to problem solving. Future research includes determining how these priorities translate into classroom practice.   
21st Century Learning Skills, Science content, Scientific process, Teaching priority, Quantitative study.
Haryani, E., W. Cobern, W., & Pleasants, B. A.-S. (2019). Indonesia Vocational High School Science Teachers’ Priorities Regarding 21st Century Learning Skills in Their Science Classrooms. Journal of Research in Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, 2(2), 105-133.
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