Development of number sense and numeration: a continuum hypothesis
Journal of Research in Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, Volume 6, Issue SI, June 2023, pp. 91-108
OPEN ACCESS VIEWS: 1089 DOWNLOADS: 974 Publication date: 15 Jun 2023
OPEN ACCESS VIEWS: 1089 DOWNLOADS: 974 Publication date: 15 Jun 2023
This text focuses on the development of number sense, specifically addressing the challenges associated with understanding the number system, including the connections to and difficulties in early arithmetic learning. It provides a synthesis of the scientific literature related to this development. It concludes by proposing a hypothesis for the development of number sense, associated with the construction of dynamic and pictorial mental representations. This continuum proposes five key phases: perception of small quantities, additive thinking, multiplicative thinking and pre-place value, passage to tens and passage to hundreds and understanding place value.
mathematics, learning difficulty, number sense, numeration, subitizing, groupitizing, mental representation.
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