Journal of Research in Science, Mathematics and Technology Education

An Indonesian Translation and Adaptation of the POSTT: A Science Teacher Pedagogical Orientation, Formative Assessment Device

Journal of Research in Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, Volume 2, Issue 3, September 2019, pp. 135-148
OPEN ACCESS VIEWS: 726 DOWNLOADS: 485 Publication date: 15 Sep 2019
Indonesia has experienced problems in teacher quality, especially science teachers. Teacher-training programs in which preservice teachers are taught to use the most appropriate science teaching methods are critical in order to prepare qualified teachers. Having a formative way to assess and discuss preservice science teachers’  preferred teaching orientations is important. Therefore, the Pedagogy of Science Teaching Test (POSTT) was translated and adapted into Bahasa as a formative assessment for preservicein the translation and validation of a selected set of POSTT items into Bahasa (Indonesian language) involving  science teachers. There were eight steps Indonesian language experts and science content experts. Pilot study data indicates that the transadapted items are both reliable and valid for use with Indonesian teachers, and that the transadapted POSTT items are understandable and adequately fit with Indonesian school culture. This being the case, science educators in other countries may also wish to employ transadapted POSTT items for preservice science teacher education purposes
Formative assessment, pedagogical orientations, preservice science teachers, transadaptation
Listiani, L., Cobern, W. W., & Pleasants, B. A. (2019). An Indonesian Translation and Adaptation of the POSTT: A Science Teacher Pedagogical Orientation, Formative Assessment Device. Journal of Research in Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, 2(3), 135-148.
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