Journal of Research in Science, Mathematics and Technology Education

The Relationship Between U.S. High School Science Teacher’s Self-Efficacy, Professional Development, and Use of Technology in Classrooms

Journal of Research in Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2021, pp. 45-62
OPEN ACCESS VIEWS: 960 DOWNLOADS: 545 Publication date: 15 Jan 2021
There have been a limited number studies that examined the relationship between professional development (PD) and self-efficacy with technology tool use, specifically concerning high school science teachers. The main goal of this quantitative study was to identify any specific correlations between science teacher self-efficacy and the professional development science teachers received for those specific classroom technologies. Participants were comprised of a randomized sample set of high school science teachers throughout 46 different US States.The data was collected by using an online survey via the Qualtrics survey platform. The survey was sent to 3000 science instructors and 104 in total completed it. The results suggest that science teachers’ efficacy was high with course management systems and student wireless or digital devices, but not for social networking/media. There was no significant connection between technological self-efficacy and PD for related technology tools. However, it is possible that science teachers are already highly efficacious in terms of technology, and observational studies are recommended to see when and how teachers actually use technology in their classrooms.
professional development, relationship, science teacher’s, self-efficacy, technology tools.
Aljuzayri, Z. (2021). The Relationship Between U.S. High School Science Teacher’s Self-Efficacy, Professional Development, and Use of Technology in Classrooms. Journal of Research in Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, 4(1), 45-62.
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