Journal of Research in Science, Mathematics and Technology Education

Physics classroom interactions: Teaching strategies and practices

Journal of Research in Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, Volume 1, Issue 3, September 2018, pp. 311-328
OPEN ACCESS VIEWS: 983 DOWNLOADS: 574 Publication date: 15 Sep 2018
This study investigated the interactions that occurred as part of the learning from a national survey of high school physics teachers in New Zealand (NZ) in relation to decile ranking.  Specifically, the study investigated how often particular teaching strategies and practices such as: teaching approaches, teacher feedback and guidance, and ICT usage, occurred during physics teaching. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistical and inferential statistics – MANOVA. Among other things, the study revealed that learners were not exposed to the teaching methods that potentially give them the chance to observe, engage and/or discover expert strategies in context. There was a lack of use of problem-based or inquiry learning models for learning. However, there was no significant difference between teaching in the various decile rankings.  The implications of the findings are discussed.
Classroom interactions, Teaching strategies, Teaching practice, Physics teaching.
Buabeng, I. (2018). Physics classroom interactions: Teaching strategies and practices. Journal of Research in Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, 1(3), 311-328.
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