Journal of Research in Science, Mathematics and Technology Education

Investigating the Perception of Senior Secondary School Students on the Role of Classroom Engagement in Mathematics Problem Solving

Journal of Research in Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, Volume 3, Issue 2, May 2020, pp. 73-105
OPEN ACCESS VIEWS: 1966 DOWNLOADS: 1468 Publication date: 15 May 2020
This study was designed to investigate the perception of students on the role of classroom engagement in student’s  problem solving in mathematics. Specifically, the study investigated the perception of 6 students taught by 4 mathematics teachers in 2 secondary schools in Nigeria for a period of 2 years. Two research objectives were developed to guide the  study. Research journal and video recordings were used to document the focus group discussions and classroom observations.  The findings of the study suggested that the mathematics teachers made positive effort to use the engagement  strategy as a tool to increase students problem solving abilities during mathematics classroom instruction. In addition, the  result of the study suggested a positive increase in students’ problem-solving skills. This was evident in students’ engagement in collaboration, participation, increase in positive relationships that existed between students and their teachers. He study also suggested that the mathematics teachers created positive classroom atmosphere for students’ participation in  classrooms problem solving. It also suggests that teachers provided inclusive support for students’ problem solving in  mathematics and provided evidence of general traditional teacher centred learning in mathematics as opposed to student-centred learning among the students.
Classroom practice, collaborative work, engagement, mathematics, problem solving, secondary school students.
Bature, I. J., Atweh, B., & Oreoluwa, F. (2020). Investigating the Perception of Senior Secondary School Students on the Role of Classroom Engagement in Mathematics Problem Solving. Journal of Research in Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, 3(2), 73-105.
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