Evaluation of Multimedia Assisted Applications Designed According to 7e Learning Model on Student Opinions
Journal of Research in Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, Volume 1, Issue 1, January 2018, pp. 63-89
OPEN ACCESS VIEWS: 1046 DOWNLOADS: 505 Publication date: 15 Jan 2018
OPEN ACCESS VIEWS: 1046 DOWNLOADS: 505 Publication date: 15 Jan 2018
The aim of this study is to indicate students’ views about a research which is oriented towards the phases of 7E learning model and multimedia supported practices in teaching of some concepts. The research was applied to 5th grade students who are educated in state school bound to National Education Ministry in the fall semester during the years 2014-2015. In the research, the unit “The Change of Matter” is taught with the help of multimedia supported practices according to 7E learning model. The research is qualitative approach and case study have been applied to this study. As a data collection tool, “Multimedia supported practices’ Process Evaluation Form” which consists of open-ended questions is used. Content analysis is utilized while analyzing the data obtained from the result of multimedia supported practices’ Process Evaluation Form. At the end of the research, it is revealed that information and communication technology ought to be used more and course materials which are designed so as to appeal more sense organs are important in Science teaching. Moreover, it is pointed out that the phases of 7E learning model frequently arouse curiosity among students. Encouraging students to study in groups makes many beneficial contributions to the communication among students as well as sparking them towards Science course through relating the past knowledge of the students with their daily life.
7E learning model, Information and communication technology, Multimedia, Science teaching.
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