Journal of Research in Science, Mathematics and Technology Education

Chemistry Games in the Classroom: A Pilot Study

Journal of Research in Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, Volume 1, Issue 2, May 2018, pp. 113-142
OPEN ACCESS VIEWS: 3179 DOWNLOADS: 2860 Publication date: 15 May 2018
In this study a game-based learning approach was introduced among students and teachers. Several chemistry games and a survey method were used as a tool to obtain insight into students’ knowledge about ionic bonding, to learn about the students’ and teachers’ perceptions related to this teaching method and to get insights into the misunderstanding and misconceptions that students might have. Students were tested on the ionic bonding test and both students and teachers anonymously filled in a questionnaire to express their perceptions about the game-based learning approach. Students achievements on the test were satisfactory; the mean score was 11.31 out of 15 (or 75.33 %). Most comments regarding the lesson itself were positive, stating that the lesson was well planned, interesting and very helpful. The usage of games in chemistry classroom was proven to be an excellent way to motivate students, to provide active engagement and discussion among students and to develop skills to solve problems.
Ionic bonding, Game-Based Learning, Chemistry Teaching, Interactive Learning Environment, Cooperative Learning, Educational Games.
Stojanovska, M., & Velevska, B. (2018). Chemistry Games in the Classroom: A Pilot Study. Journal of Research in Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, 1(2), 113-142.
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