Journal of Research in Science, Mathematics and Technology Education

Becoming a Globally Competent Educator: A Self-Study of My Theoretical and Practical Understandings of Global Competency

Journal of Research in Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, Volume 7, Issue 3, September 2024, pp. 1-24
OPEN ACCESS VIEWS: 189 DOWNLOADS: 128 Publication date: 15 Sep 2024
This self-study explored my theoretical and practical understandings of my role and responsibilities regarding preparing future science educators who are globally competent. Specifically, I focused on how I changed my approach to teaching and addressing global competencies during science instruction as a science teacher educator. Using grounded theory, open coding, and the constant comparison method allowed for a comprehensive and rigorous data analysis, including journal entries, critical friend meetings, concept maps, and student artifacts. The findings of the study underscore a transformative shift in my journey toward becoming a globally competent instructor as I strived to cultivate global competence in my students. The findings and subsequent implications inform the field of science education regarding teacher educators’ role in preparing teachers to be critical change agents.
global competence, self-study, teacher preparation, science education
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