Journal of Research in Science, Mathematics and Technology Education

An Exploration of Middle School Mathematics Teachers’ Beliefs and Goals Regarding a Dynamic Tool in Mathematics Lessons: Case of GeoGebra

Journal of Research in Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, Volume 5, Issue SI, June 2022, pp. 41-63
OPEN ACCESS VIEWS: 3396 DOWNLOADS: 1590 Publication date: 15 Jun 2022
Currently, teaching with technology has become crucial. This case study investigated the beliefs and goals of four middle school mathematics teachers regarding a dynamic mathematics software: GeoGebra. The participants of the study were four mathematics teachers working in public middle schools in Turkey. The data was collected through semi-structured interviews, lesson observations and perceived technology, pedagogy and content knowledge surveys. Data analysis revealed a consensus on GeoGebra’s usefulness in teaching units that link geometry and algebra. Most of the participants integrated GeoGebra to provide students with an explorative environment in which students were supported with feedback. Teachers’ goals of using the software were found to be providing visual representations, facilitating students’ learning, increasing students’ engagement, as well as decreasing their workload and saving time. Moreover, teachers listed several challenges such as classroom management and lesson planning. Despite the challenges they faced, teachers were willing to integrate the software into their lessons. Therefore, complementary workshops were seemed to be necessary to overcome these challenges. These workshops might aim at providing the necessary 21st-century competencies for mathematics teachers to integrate the software into their lessons effectively.
Dynamic Tools, Case Study, GeoGebra, Mathematics Teachers, Middle School
Saralar-Aras, I. (2022). An Exploration of Middle School Mathematics Teachers’ Beliefs and Goals Regarding a Dynamic Tool in Mathematics Lessons: Case of GeoGebra. Journal of Research in Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, 5(SI), 41-63.
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